Regular Cleaning Or Deep Cleaning: What’s the Difference?


A clean home can have a positive effect on both your mental and physical health. A clean and organized home boosts productivity. One of the most common questions homeowners ask themselves is whether their home needs regular cleaning or deep cleaning.


If you too are seeking the answer to this question, take a tour of your home. Inspect corners, the edges of your appliances, and look under the sink. If you are happy with the general cleanliness of your home and need help to maintain it, hire regular cleaning services.


On the other hand, if you notice dirt and grime build-up, cobwebs, stubborn stains on walls and the floor, and cobwebs in different parts of your home, it’s time for a deep clean.

Regular Cleaning Service

If maintaining a clean and organized home tops your priority list, consider cleaning your home on a daily or weekly basis. If you do not have enough time or hate spending hours every weekend tidying and organizing your home, hire house cleaning services in Petaluma.


Your house cleaning company will come up with a plan to maintain the beauty and comfort of your home. Regular cleaning will maintain a good level of hygiene and cleanliness around your house.


Regular residential cleaning services include:


  • Cleaning every room in the house (bathrooms, living rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms)
  • Hoovering and mopping the floors
  • Cleaning frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, kitchen services, handles, and toilet seats
  • Dusting and wiping down exposed surfaces
  • Sweeping and vacuuming open areas

There are many benefits to regular house cleaning. Cleaning your house regularly is one of the most effective ways to keep harmful microbes at bay. A professional home cleaning service will help you get organized and save time and money.

Deep Cleaning Service

If you haven’t cleaned your home for a while and want to refresh, revitalize, and rejuvenate it, consider hiring deep cleaning services before starting a cleaning routine. Deep cleaning, as the name suggests, involves cleaning areas and surfaces thoroughly. Deep cleaning covers areas that aren’t usually covered during regular cleaning.


Professional deep cleaning includes:


  • Cleaning the bathroom from top to bottom (descaling shower doors, grouting, taps, and tiles)
  • Wiping down all surfaces in the kitchen. Cabinets, oven interiors, under sink areas, chimney filters and other areas where germs hide will be thoroughly cleaned
  • Complete dusting of all corners and hard-to-reach areas
  • Vacuuming carpet and mattresses
  • Cleaning the inside and outside of windows and window frames

Need top-notch house cleaning services in Petaluma? Look no further than Blue Ribbon Cleaning Services. We are committed to helping our community members keep their homes clean and clutter-free year round. Our cleaning methods are designed to kill different types of germs, leaving your home comfy and clean. To get expert cleaning tips, call (707) 588-0388.